Studio: Via Veneto, 108 Roma Italia

Non surgical treatment of fat tissue and cellulitis has become very popular in the last few years because of continous improvement of non invasive or minimally invasive treatments. A wide number of alternatives to surgical liposculpture (now minimally invasive with new techniques, see chapter) range from ultrasounds to injection lipolysis (used from late ninenties).

Ultrasound are very used in aesthetic medicine, in this case low frequency ultrasounds go deep enough to break fat cells and get a satisfactory result. It is a non invasive treatment, there are no radiations and side effect. Contraindications are some liver and kidney diseases. Efect of ultrasound on fat tissue is to break fat cells through cavitation, also dissolving fibrous tissue and improving cellulitis. Very often patient can see some result from the first application, even if three or four are necessary to get a nice profile. Chemical lipolylis, which is injection of one or more substances into fat tissue is also very successfull for the positive result. They break fat cells with just a moderate local inflammation. The swelling will go down in three or four days at most. Patients need five or six applications and the result is defenitely preatty nice improving the shape in the area.



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