Studio: Via Veneto, 108 Roma Italia

Breast augmentation is the operation for enlargment of the breast, using a last generation silicon gel implant. It is a “custom made” operation because we now have implants different in shape ( Round, Anatomical, High and Low profile) and volume so to perfectly fit patient’s desires and body shape, giving a natural and long lasting result, because implants Prof. Tarallo has been using in his practice are lifetime garantee from the manifacturer. Good candidates to the procedure are women with a small or unsatisfactory breast volume or that had a decrease of volume after pregnancy or breast feeding. Blood tests and EKG will be prescribed at the time of consultation to check general conditions of the patient both with a list of medications to be avoided two weeks before and after the operation as aspirin or aspirin like.

The operation is usually performed under general anesthesia in a private hospital and patient will be discharged the same day or the day after with an appropiate post op therapy. The implant is usually putted in through a small incision located around the areola or in the mammary crease and the implant will be placed on top of the muscle (subglandular) or behind the muscle or on a double plane, depending on the case. Patient will be discharged with a sportive bra that will be wearing for about four weeks. Work and social activities will be limited for a week or ten days. Shower will be possible after couple of days. Possible complications, very unusual, are the ones related to any surgical procedure as bleeding or infections and few others related to this procedure as numbness in small areas (usually transitory) or “capsular contraction”, very rare with use of last generation implants which is a fibrous tissue growing around the implant that becomes harder. Tests as ultrasound or mammograms can be performed with no limitations after the operation. Breast feeding also will be possible.


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