Studio: Via Veneto, 108 Roma Italia

Breast asimmetry means to have a difference in volume and or shape of the breasts. To have a small asimmetry is very common in most women, but sometime the difference is so evident that becomes a psicological problem, especially for young patients. It will be very important in this case at the time of the consultation the evaluation of the asimmetry. The difference of the volume can be corrected with implants different in size, if the patient wants to go for a larger breast and correct the asimmetry at the same time. Prof. Tarallo has his own technique to check exactly the difference in size of the two breasts, so during the consultation is possible to plan the operation in order to get the best simmetry and result.

For more information on Breast implants and augmentation check the specific chapter. Sometimes patients do not need or do not want to have implants and in this case the procedure will be more similar to a Breast lift or Breast reduction, dipending on the asimmetry. Today is also possible to fix an asimmetry with “Fat Grafting”; fat, rich in steam cells, can be taken out with Liposculpture and putted into the breast with smaller volume; this is an easy operation that can be performed as outpatient. At the time of consultation we will check which is the best option for you.


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